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Diving and snorkelling pictures
Curious Batfish, Platax orbicularis, come to check us out at Bopu Tilla.

The Batfish comes closer and closer.

Really annoyed that this picture of a Glorious Flatworm, Pseudobiceros gloriosus, was so blurred.

Black cheek or Masked moray, Gymnothorax breedeni, peeks out from its hiding place on Bopu Tilla.

Spotfin lionfish, Pterois antennata.

Two Rose Phyllidiella Nudibranches, Phyllidiela Rosans, eye each other up at Angaga Tilla.

Pretty corals and sponges.....

These Schmedelian pincushion sea stars, Culcita schmedeliana, were moderately common.

Granulated sea star, Choriaster granulatus.

A pair of Fire gobies or Fire dartfish, Nemateleotris magnifica, won't stay still in the murky natural light conditions. Next time I'll use flash.