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Reef Life 1
An enormous middle-aged Giant Grouper (Epinephilus lanceolatus), over a metre long, swims past us at Kuda Miaru Thila. As they grow
older, the yellow colouration fades and the patterns darken.A Scribbled filefish (Aluterus scriptus) at Himandu Kandu.
Sand eels or Garden eels, probably Spotted garden eel (Heteroconger hassi) at Panettone Kandu. They protrude from their burrows to
feed on plankton, but are very wary - as soon as you get close to them, they disappear back down their burrows.
Now for some weird stuff. First, some slightly out-of-focus photos of five different nudibranchs, starting with a Zeylan
Phyllidiella (Phyllidiella zeylanica) at Kuda Miaru Thila.
And a superficially similar one, but a different species, Rose Phyllidiella (Phyllidiella rosans), at Panettone Manta Point.
Next, a Tritos Chromodoris (Chromodoris Tritos) also at Kuda Miaru Thila. This has recently been renamed Goniobranchus tritos,
just to confuse things.
An Elegant Phyllidia (Phyllidia elegans) at Kuda Miaru Thila.
A Varicose Phyllidia (Phyllidia varicosa), again at Kuda Miaru Thila, poses alongside an old scallop shell.
A Maldives speciality, a Hiby's Lamellarid (Coriocella Hibyae) at good old Kuda Miaru Thila. I like this dive site - there's
always something interesting happening there.
A Graeffe's sea cucumber (Pearsonothuria graeffei) exudes its soft, sticky feeding tentacles at Kuda Miaru Thila. Yuk.