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Yet more diving photos.
Clark's Anemone fish, Amphiprion clarkii, on a Bulb-tentacle anemone, Entacmea quadricolor.
The common nudibranch Varicose Phyllidia, Phyllidia varicosa.
Fabrizio tries to tickle one of the three curious Napoleon wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus, that came to check us out at Shark Tilla.
One of the Napoleons with a grey reef shark in the background.
The Napoleons accompanied us during the entire dive.
Fabrizio told us that divers used to feed the Napoleons, and they've come to associate divers with snacks.
A Fire goby, Nemateleotris magnifica, in characteristic pose defending its patch.
Royal sea cucumber, Thelenota anax, clambers over an Edible sea cucumber, Holothuria edulis.
At Mas Tilla we were watching a huge mass of Fusiliers above us at the surface....
...when they suddenly dived down in panic with an audible roar of thousands of fins to escape the tuna that were hassling them, and circled around us.